SOAR is a Seniors retreat designed to equip, encourage, engage, and energize senior Christians. SOAR stands for Seniors Overcoming And Recharging, and SOAR Refresh is an abbreviated version of our April Senior Christians Retreat.

SOAR Refresh will take place at beautiful Retreat at Center Hill Lake in Smithville, Tenn. Located an hour and a half east of Nashville, the Retreat Center is noted for its beautiful lakeside location. The event will start with registration at 4 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 6 with dinner and the opening session to follow at 5 and 6 p.m. The retreat will run through noon on Wednesday, Nov. 7. 

Registration space is LIMITED. We have a limited amount of rooms at the facility, and the registration will be filled on first paid basis due to the limit. 

All rooms are double occupancy with two double beds. You may register as a single adult for the price of $150 per person. You will most likely share the room with another adult of the same gender, and you may not know that person prior to checking into the event. Double occupancy is $275, and you can reserve the room for either a couple, or if you have someone you would like to room with, you will have the ability to type your roommate’s name in the reservation form. If you would like to reserve a room for four people to share, email Glenn Newton or Joey Roberts.

We look forward to seeing you there!

VENDORS: If you are interested in being a vendor for SOAR Refresh 2024, please email Glenn Newton or Joey Roberts.