Greetings from Africa!
The Apostle Paul speaks of the Gospel shared across the known world in his lifetime! I would love to see that! How about you?
This seems to be an ambitious task. However, time and time again, we see that in the hands of our God, who is driven by compassion for His creation, and the obedience of His children, motivated by their passion, this and much more can be accomplished.
POINT: It is truly possible to spread the truth over the world in our lifetime!
Will you help HTM do this?
Often, when introducing the Herald of Truth, I state that we are an international evangelism ministry with major efforts on four continents and significant evangelism interests that reach the entire world. These efforts are sharing the very same Gospel the early church had taken to the ends of the earth!
For seven decades, this international evangelistic ministry has never failed to broadcast the blessed news of Christ.
How? God and generations of Christians have seen to it for this ministry to stay viable and on mission.
Now, as the caretakers of this ministry, we are always humbled by the magnitude of this responsibility to continue the tradition and our mission. Equally, we too are encouraged by the opportunities presented to us to spread the Truth, and we are always excited to hear of souls reached by these efforts all around the globe.
So we are eager to reach further out to souls around the world. It’s our mission and tradition: to use every resource God provides to increase the reach of the Gospel.
Beginning in 2023, we added to the efforts already in place to reach around the world and the United States with an effort called Mission: Evangelize Spanish America (MESA). MESA is designed to reach Spanish speakers in the U.S. This new effort has been received with excitement from churches using the method to share Christ, and it is becoming very popular as it becomes better known. MESA is going to be a big deal!
Also, we have started Truth Digital Media. TDM uses digital technology to broadcast the story of Jesus all over the world using the digital/internet platform. This includes a 24-hour/seven days a week radio station with teaching, worship and brotherhood information, as well as godly encouragement. TDM also will continue producing podcasts, websites, social media and vlogs, blogs and videos for the purpose of reaching the lost and encouraging the church worldwide. This too is a big deal!
So, please keep this all in your prayers and help us continue our mission of evangelism.
Imagine the apostles having this kind of reach! Certainly you agree, Paul would have taken full advantage of every opportunity he had to send the light of Jesus into the dark, lost world during his time! Now, it has come to us at this specific time in history to take our place in sharing the Gospel.
For seventy-one years, through the generosity of faithful believers like you, HTM has joined with God to share the story of Jesus. Thank you for giving!
Regularly I am asked how much does it cost Herald of Truth to conduct its international ministry? There are several answers that come to mind.
One answer is we have to raise over a million dollars to accomplish our annual commitments.
A possible answer is, it requires every penny we can manage to scrape up to go to the mission field!
But, I believe the true answer is, it costs us nothing!
God covers the cost of His ministry! I have seen God keep His word to provide the seed to the sower, to honor our commitment to keep His kingdom as our priority. And consistently, He has provided the seed and every need for seven decades. Further, He has used Christians who love the Lord and the lost enough to invest in His Kingdom. Folks like you!
I am confident you agree with me that the greatest and most urgent need in this world is not peace, food or water. It’s not even power, money or health. It’s a saving relationship with Jesus Christ. AMEN!?
This is a need we can help fulfill!
So, please join in and invest in this proven ministry of evangelism. Your gift in God’s hands will go a long way to produce broadcasts, study materials and much more.
For example:
• $5.00 will put a Spanish Bible in the hands of a Cuban policeman.
• $500 reached a man and woman who came for food and are now faithful Christians, married and helping start a Spanish ministry in Florida!
• $5,000 covered six months of evangelism efforts in Zambia, Africa.
On and on the stories go…
The truth is any size gift produces guaranteed results. Plus, partnering with this ministry has a mutual blessing associated with your generosity.
Yes, you are blessing others with sharing Jesus, but you will be blessed with access to resources of HTM for your evangelism efforts.
POINT: In other words, if you help us reach the world, we will help you reach your friends and family!
Currently, I am in Zambia for the month of July, and I was also in the United Kingdom for the last two weeks of June. I am seeing the need firsthand, as well as the potential and the receptivity.
With God’s blessings and you seeking first the kingdom of God…the world once again will hear the Good News of Jesus Christ. I am confident you will do your best to reach these souls.
Thank you in advance for your generosity and faithfulness. You truly are an encouragement to each of us honored to serve at the Herald of Truth.
Press On!
Gregory C. Swindle
HTM President and Missionary to the World