Do you have a $5 bill in your wallet? It may not seem like much, but it’s surprising what you can buy for $5. You can purchase a beautiful card that will encourage someone who is ill or bereaved. You can buy a McDonald’s cheeseburger combo meal for a homeless person. Or you can purchase a copy of the Word of God for someone who wants to read it. Five small dollars can buy a Bible to place in the hands of a precious soul in Cuba who wants to know more about God!

This year, Herald of Truth is celebrating 70 years of evangelistic service to churches of Christ around the world! For over 25 of those years, one key area of focus has been sharing the gospel in Cuba. For well over two decades, the Opening Roads church planting project has planted 51 congregations in the Cuban province of Matanzas! This has occurred because of so many friends who have selflessly invested in this effort.

While impressive, the work is far from complete. Tony Fernandes, Herald of Truth’s Ministry Coordinator for Cuba, and his team have identified 20 additional towns where new congregations are needed right now. An ambitious goal has been set to accomplish this important church planting task no later than 2023.

Even though travel has been restricted since 2020, evangelistic outreach efforts have continued to bear fruit in Cuba. The Lea La Biblia radio program, hosted by Tim Archer and Bruno Valle, is heard weekly in most areas of the country via TransWorld Radio. Baptisms are happening nearly every week, and lives are being changed by the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the transforming power of the Holy Spirit.

The people of Cuba desperately desire the word of God, and Herald of Truth is committed to supplying Bibles to everyone who wants one! And it only costs approximately $5 per Bible.


In our current economic situation, I know $5 doesn’t have much purchasing power, but it can purchase the word of God for a hungry soul!

Can I count on your partnership in this effort?

Press On!

Greg Swindle
President, Herald of Truth Ministries

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