Herald of Truth can help congregations reach the neighborhoods around their church buildings through technology called geofencing. We can help you breakdown demographics via age, race, children at home, etc.

All you need to do is allow us to help you reach your full potential and advertise your events and services to your target market.



Through geofencing, we can send static and video ads to the devices captured in the advertising campaign.

When we draw the geographic shape around the area you wish to geofence, the software grabs the GPS number of the devices. Then, the next time the user opens his/her device, the software can push an advertisement to apps on the device. We can use 15-30 second advertisements.

The software can track how many people see the advertisement, click the ad to go to the webpage and even tell us how many people who saw the ad come to your church building.

The national average for click-through rates is 0.05%, and some of our ads are getting five to six times that rate. This is an effective technology to reach the community around your building to let them know your congregation exists.


Here are some examples of how HTM can help you and your congregation use geofencing.


Advertise your Gospel Meeting to invite people. Then, we can circle your building and you can follow up with advertising after the event.


Advertise your Trunk-or-Treat to the elementary school(s) in your neighborhood, or a supermarket. After two weeks of advertising, we can circle your parking lot and send all of the guests an ad to visit your worship services.


Does your congregation do food giveaways? Clothing giveaways? Something similar? You can circle the event and then send ads to welcome them back to your building for services.


Circle neighborhoods around your building and invite them to a Friend’s Day. Then, track to see who visits on that Sunday and send them invitations to return to worship and serve with you.


We have advertisements we have created to help churches advertise to their communities. We can even personalize the ads depending on the use and the level of commitment of support.


We can help congregations customize advertisements and help you advertise and welcome guests to your building for a variety of events, gatherings, worship services, etc.