Operation: Send the Light

For the past 72 years, Herald of Truth has had one mission: evangelism. From the early days of radio broadcasting and television; to a new world of internet radio and digital outreach, sharing the story of Jesus has been and always will be why we exist. The Word of God belongs to His world. We must Send the Light!

You probably remember the old Hymn:
There’s a call comes ringing o’er the restless wave,
Send the light! Send the light!
There are souls to rescue, there are souls to save,
Send the light! Send the light!

I want to share a great opportunity to be part of Operation: Send the Light. OSTL will  provide:
• Local and Foreign Evangelism Campaigns
• Bibles
• Study Materials

Amos prophesied of a day where there would be famine not “of food or a thirst for water, but a famine of hearing the Word of the Lord.” (Amos: 8:11) We live in a similar time as there is great hunger in the world for the “bread of life” and a thirst for the “living water.” There
is a great hunger for Jesus, and by making God’s Word available to those to hunger and thirst for it, we are sharing the story of Jesus.

We think of the availability of the Bible here in America. How many personal copies of the Word of God do you have? And if you go out of town and forget to take one, you can pick one up at Wal-Mart or Dollar General. But while I served in Africa as a missionary for six years, the one thing people asked me for the most was a Bible. The same is true for our Ministry Coordinator in Cuba, Tony Fernandez.

As a part of our mission, Herald of Truth has long made providing God’s Word to God’s World a high priority. Our intention is to continue providing Bibles where this ministry is conducting evangelism efforts. Currently we are working on the ground in Cuba, Africa, Central America and right here in the United States.

We will also make Bibles available through our Internet Radio Station, our many websites, and through local advertising campaigns in partnership with local churches. When people request the Bible, we will provide them with it and study materials while making sure that follow up takes place.

HTM often receives special requests for Bibles and materials in the language and dialect of remote groups. For example, there are over 70 dialects in Zambia, Africa. We now have requests  for help in Tonga, Lozi and Bemba languages. Operation: Send the Light will make sure these translations are available for those who desire them, along with study materials on how to become a Christian,
ongoing discipleship and becoming the church for which Jesus died. This will produce more Christians and more churches loyal to Christ
around the world.

But first we have to plant the seed of His Word!

Just like the life necessities you buy every day have become more expensive due to rapid inflation, the cost of providing the Bible and Bible study materials along with shipping and handling, continue to increase. But the famine of the Word continues!

Together, you and Herald of Truth Ministries will send the light!

If you are still reading, clearly this is something you believe is important! HTM certainly does! How much are you willing to invest in sending the light?

If you are willing to invest in this worthwhile mission, please fill out the form below.

I know you receive a lot of these letters. So do I. But think of this donation as you handing a Bible and study materials to someone seeking God. Because that is EXACTLY what you are doing! Like the song says:

Let us not grow weary in the work of love,
Send the light! Send the light!
Let us gather jewels for a crown above,
Send the light! Send the light

Press on,

Greg Swindle
President, Herald of Truth Ministries, Inc.

Greg Swindle

President, Herald of Truth Ministries