by Chase Turner | Jul 23, 2020
Congregational Leadership Must Read Hard Books by Herald of Truth Congregational Leadership Must Read Hard Books You were probably not aware that I am a retired Marine until now,...
by Chase Turner | Jul 23, 2020
Three Steps to Start Becoming a Stronger Christian by Herald of Truth Three Steps to Start Becoming a Stronger Christian Even though everybody knows they need to stop playing...
by Chase Turner | Jul 23, 2020
Paradigms by Herald of Truth Paradigms People see things differently. Let’s say a boy is raised in a home. He develops a paradigm, an idea for the typical pattern of things,...
by Chase Turner | Jul 9, 2020
The Name of God (4/4) by Herald of Truth The Personhood of God Knowing that God has a personal name, YHWH, and that it is possible for us to misrepresent him in the way we carry...
by Chase Turner | Jul 9, 2020
The Name of God (3/4) by Herald of Truth Taking His Name in Vain Now that we know that the name of God is not “God,” but YHWH, how does this change our perspective on the third...